A food diary to help you monitor what you eat and do. Go to my food diary
Calorie Counting is not the answer! It's confusing isn't it? We've been told that as long as you count calories or count points you can eat what you like. Well it turns out that whilst that might work for some people, especially early on in life, this method becomes less and less effective. Why? It turns out that it is not all about how many calories you eat, although that is relevant but a huge factor is the type of foods you eat. It's not that simple - it's not just about the calories you eat, it is about the food you eat. Many experts now agree, if you have raised insulin levels, you are going to store fat. The simple message is that simple carbohydrate foods (sugar, white flour products) drives up insulin levels and drives our cells to store fat. If you want to get fat out of your fat cells, you have to lower the amount of insulin you are producing. The way you lower insulin is by eating fewer carbohydrates and getting the sugar out of your diet. If you want to eat less carbs and in a more unrefined form - try our slow, low carb food plan. If you want to monitor how much sugar, carbs or calories you are consuming - Use the EatandDo diary.
Should I be counting calories to lose weight? What are fake foods? Does food addiction really exist? Does sugar cause western diseases? Exercise and sports drinks Nutrition Videos Page Gut bacteria curbs obesity
Eat and Do, Cambridge
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